Written Declarations under Rule 2.565
In instances when an attorney or self-represented litigant is unable, after diligent search, to secure the services of a Certified, Language Skilled, Provisionally Approved, or otherwise Registered Interpreter, subdivisions (d) and (e) of Rule 2.565 require submission of a written declaration to the Office of the State Courts Administrator. See SC15-1594, In Re: Amendments to the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, effective October 1, 2015.
If an action is pending in the courts or an administrative forum:
- Complete and print the Verified Written Declaration Form
- For requested jurisdiction data on page 2, indicate county or circuit in which pending action has been filed.
- Sign and date the form and email a copy to the Office of the State Courts Administrator at Rule2.565Declarations@hpbvtv.com.
- This e-mail address is for submission of the written declaration only, not for inquiries.
- File the original declaration.
- Serve a copy to all other parties and furnish a copy to the proposed interpreter.
If no action is pending at the time interpreter services are provided:
- Complete and print the Verified Written Declaration Form
- Sign and date the form, and email a copy to the Office of the State Courts Administrator at Rule2.565Declarations@hpbvtv.com.
- This e-mail address is for submission of the written declaration only, not for inquiries.
- Retain the original declaration for your files.
- Serve a copy of the declaration on the non-English-speaking or limited-English-proficient person at the time interpreter services are provided.
Please be advised Certified, Provisionally Approved, Language Skilled, and Registered interpreters may be located online at:
Certified, Language Skilled, Provisionally Approved, and Registered Interpreters